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The following is a list of achievements you can earn in Amid Evil. There are 37 available achievements:

List of achievements

Icon Name Description
Abysmal.jpg Abysmal Die in the Gateway
All-out.jpg All-out Finish a level with no mana
Amid Difficulty.jpg Amid Difficulty Find Evil Difficulty
A Real Klutz.jpg A Real Klutz Experience each type of death
Armageddon.jpg Armageddon Blow up the Earth
Close Shave.jpg Close Shave Finish a level with less than 10 health
Destroyer.jpg Destroyer Destroy all decorations in a level
DON'T GO.jpg DON'T GO Quit the game
Explorer.jpg Explorer Find all the secrets in a level
Filthy Cheater.jpg Filthy Cheater Use a cheat code
Find an obscure reference[1]
Genocider.jpg Genocider Kill all enemies in an episode
Hardcore.jpg Hardcore Get all awards in a level
He swims, he hungers.jpg He swims, he hungers
Heh, Brutal.jpg Heh, Brutal Kill 10 enemies in under 10 seconds with the Axe
Hippie.jpg Hippie Get through a level without killing anything
If you can....jpg If you can...
Find the hidden developer room
Killer.jpg Killer Kill all enemies in a level
NO TOUCHY.jpg NO TOUCHY Don't pickup anything in a level
Overkiller.jpg Overkiller Get 100 Overkills
Ready for anything.jpg Ready for anything Finish a level with full mana
Saviour of the Moon.jpg Saviour of the Moon Beat Astral Equinox
Saviour of the Sentinels.jpg Saviour of the Sentinels Beat Domain of the Sentinels
Saviour of the Pilgrim.jpg Saviour of the Pilgrim Beat The Sacred Path
Saviour of the Sun.jpg Saviour of the Sun Beat Solar Solstice
Saviour of the Machine.jpg Saviour of the Machine Beat The Forges
Saviour of the Mages.jpg Saviour of the Mages Beat the Arcane Expanse
Saviour of the Universe.jpg Saviour of the Universe Beat The Void
Scholar.jpg Scholar Read all inscriptions in a level
Seeya.jpg Seeya Banish 10 enemies into a black hole
Soul Limbo.jpg Soul Limbo Extend soul mode for 30 seconds
Soul Sacrifice.jpg Soul Sacrifice Finish a level with soul mode on
Speed Runner.jpg Speed Runner Beat a level's par time
Super Nova.jpg Super Nova Destroy 5 enemies with a single sun
The almighty power.jpg The almighty power Use each weapon's soul mode attack once
The chosen one.jpg The chosen one Rest easy
Wheeeee!.jpg Wheeeeee! Use the Axe underwater, in soul mode

The Black Labyrinth achievements

This is the list of 6 new achievements only accessible with The Black Labyrinth DLC:

Icon Name Description
CHAMPION.jpg CHAMPION Beat the Black Labyrinth
Cold Fire.jpg Cold Fire
I banish you to the shadow realm!.jpg I banish you to the shadow realm! Kill 10 enemies with the Void Splitter's soul mode attack
Indefatigable.jpg Indefatigable
Find the 3 Developer Artifacts
Pummelled.jpg Pummelled Kill 15 enemies in under 10 seconds with the gauntlets
The first test.jpg The first test Defeat the Thunder Spirit

Removed achievements

This is the list of achievements removed from the base game due to being buggy and/or pointless or for unknown reasons.

Icon Name Description
Collector.jpg Collector Pick up every item in a level[2]
Huge Nerd.jpg Huge Nerd Use all the cheat codes[3]


  1. This is a reference to the secret prop "Call Apogee Say 'Aardwolf'" from Wolfenstein 3D, created for the contest that was cancelled due to the releases of editing programs that allowed players to find the secret by accessing game's files. Legends say Apogee still receives calls and mails asking about this secret.
  2. "It's just a bit of an awkward thing for people to get anyway since you need to hurt yourself to get all the health pickups etc. We'll find something cooler."
  3. Apparently this achievement was removed due to the unknown amount of cheat codes in the game. People still learn about AEDAR...