This page describes gameplay features of Amid Evil.
Champion doesn't jump high, but far enough to reach platforms on middle distances. Due to the amount of platforming and versatility of certain levels there is no fall damage[1].
By default crouch key is Ctrl. You can forget about this button because there is very little where this can be used and mostly it's not essential for progressing the game.
By default you have the autorun enabled. Hold Shift to walk. This might come in hand during platforming sections.
Every episode of the game, apart from the second and last episode, has at least one level with a water section in it. Press movement keys to swim in every direction, Jump and Crouch buttons to swim up or down. Thankfully, our main protagonist has magical invisible gills and can breathe underwater so there is no need to hurry.
You can get the ability to fly by activating Flight powerup. Surprisingly, shares the same controls and physics as swimming.
Just like in Quake, you interact with most of the objects by walking up to them. This applies to switches, doors, platforms, pickups, powerups and movement zones.
Switches in Amid Evil look like big glowing buttons with a symbol of the respective episode engraved on them. The color of a glow and a symbol defines their activation requirements: blue switches can be simply walked to, red switches need to be shot, silver and gold switches require corresponding keys and purple switches (The Black Labyrinth exclusive) need to be punched by a melee weapon. Their main function is to allow the player to progress the game by opening doors, raising platforms, summoning movement zones and etc.
Movement zones
Movement zones are floating blue particles that move the player through air and place them on platforms. Step into them to proceed the level further.
Soul Power
Soul Power is a special ability that amplifies the damage and fire rate of an equipped weapon for a short amount of time. Read more...
When an enemy's health drops below a certain point they enter the state of overkill. In this state, enemies can perform unique death animation depending on the weapon that caused it.
Friendly fire
Some of the ranged foes can unintentionally kill their allies if they get in the way of moving projectiles.
Weapon sound impact
Every weapon's projectile impact has its own unique sound effect that allows the player to identify whether or not they hit the enemy. This is very useful when you shoot foes at distance and cannot see the projectile.
Environmental hazards
Many episodes (and the entirety of Black Labyrinth) have a variety of traps, from painful to deadly. Pits, moving blocks, spikes, lasers and more.
Any open torches or brazers on the ground can hurt Champion, so it's better to watch out for them when you have low health.
Hazardous floor
Some levels, mostly from The Sacred Path and The Forges episodes, have active magma pools or fiery green energy lakes which are able to scorch Champion to ashes.
Special Techniques
Planet jumping
Similar to the infamous rocket jumping technique, planet jumps can be performed by jumping up and shooting a planet from Celestial Claw under you at the same time. While not necessary for level progression, some of Amid Evil's secrets can only be found by this technique.
Firing Star of Torment faster
If you let go off the Star of Torment's fire button immediately after launching a projectile the swing animation will reset to default state, which allows you to fire next projectile earlier than intended. Can be performed indefinitely.
- ↑ Fun fact: earlier builds of Amid Evil had fall damage, but it was removed from the game due to the amount of people dying from it.
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