Soul Power

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Soul Power or Soul Mode is a special ability that enhances your weapons and unleashes their true powers for a short period of time (16-17 seconds).


When an enemy dies they drop a soul - resource that fills up player's soul meter. Souls have a variety of sizes depending on the enemy type that determine how much soul points (SP) they give:

Size Tiny Minor Small Medium Large Huge Giant Legendary
SP 3 5 8 12 16 20 30 MAX

Simply walk over it just like any other pickup to gather it.

Soul meter

Soul meter under health bar.

Soul meter is located underneath health bar and indicates how many souls had the player consumed. The amount of soul points it can hold relies on the chosen difficulty:

Difficulty Easy Medium Hard Evil
SP 75 100 150 250

When the meter is full the player will be able to activate Soul Power.

Soul Power

Health and mana bars glowing when the soul mode is on.

Soul Power speeds up some of the weapons' fire/swing rate and activates their unique abilities:

  • Axe of the Black Labyrinth, like a propeller, starts to spin with such an excessive speed it turns enemies into minced meat in a matter of seconds.
  • Staff of the Azure Orb rapidly fires many bursting orbs that turn enemies into water.
  • Whisper's Edge's projectiles become wider and ricochet off any surface, slicing most of the hit enemies in half.
  • Voltride shoots a constant beam of lightning, creating faster chain lightnings.
  • Celestial Claw pulls out stars and supernovas from the universe that create a wide explosion when they blow up.
  • Star of Torment launches a whole crystal cluster that slightly targets enemies and frags upon hitting any surface.
  • Aeturnum fires a black hole that sucks in all nearby enemies. And even the player...
  • Gauntlets of the Platinum Star allow you to throw a barrage of heavy, but accurate punches on a singular enemy.
  • Voidsplitter erases all enemies in a line of sight from reality.


This ability is like if Fast Fire Totem and Tome of Power had a baby. Despite being short on time it comes out as the best solution for cleaning up rooms full of enemies or retreating from that room if you are low on health. Very helpful in boss fights, although can be too overpowered. To make it more difficult Soul Power can be set to turn on automatically in Game settings every time you shoot with the soul meter full. For true Champions!